
Comments (14)

What do you think?

saw what you did there m8

OOOOOOOkay... 2 questions :

  1. What's there to figure out ?!?

  2. Any reason it is dedicated to Matt ?!?

It's really cool to play with the effects and the visual style. But it's not really a game, though.
Anyway, it was fun to see the crazy things that someone can do with GM. 4/5!

how do i shoot

The intensity and visually stunning presentation is remarkable and will have player's jaws laying gently on keyboards. But I have to say, I'm a little disappointed with Everyone Hates Me's technical design decisions. Although the scrolling colourful tiles make one feel as if they are in need of not really doing anything much really, the tile placement was horrific and the scroll speed had me screaming at my computer. This is bathroom meets Christmas decoration- which only the eagle spirit can spot. One cannot escape bathroom while Christmas decoration remains sitting on the horizon. This artist's impression of the Christmas spirit and importance of the rest room doesn't explain itself too well. It was only until I reached the blue tile, when I realized what was being said, and instantly found myself trembling. Restroom spirit takes through the overall red resonance dominant in the image. Sometimes I can't comprehend such terrible design decisions, why'd he do this, why'd he do that. It's acceptable in Everyone Hates Me, as most of the brilliance shines through.

'Everyone Hates Me' cuts close to making a point but fails. The stunning presentation isn't enough to let it stand on it's own. Small design decisions could have improved the overall experience.

1/5 dumb game


Everyone Hates Me

Version: 1.3.0about 12 years ago

Use the mouse, letters A-Z, and numbers 0-9 to create unique effects. Many of the effects interact with each other in unique ways.

F4 toggles fullscreen and F9 takes a screenshot.

Everyone Hates Me isn't supposed to be considered a "game," but rather an experimental visual experience.

This will be receiving continuous updates until I get bored working on it. I dedicate this "game" to Matt/Honno.


Released v1.2 - Supports A-Z Now

Now letters A-Z and numbers 0-9 all create different effects and interact with each other in unique ways.

Bug fixed a few random things as well.

Released v1.1 - Added Numerous Controls

You can now use the mouse, letters A-K, and numbers 0-9 to create unique effects. F4 toggles fullscreen and F9 takes a screenshot.

Next update will have a unique effect for all letters A-Z.