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EX Act Dungeon

Version: 0.2.1about 7 years ago

About the game

This is an educational game inspired by japanese RPG.
Each dungeon is a gamified math exercise list, which has puzzles and enemies.
The player may skip some enemies, just like they could skip an exercise from a list. However, they won't receive the respective experience.
The puzzles are to change the game's pace, so that the player can concetrate in other things, and see that math is also about solving problems creatively.

How to Play

Use WASD or the arrows to walk.

Press Esc or E to open the menu, when out of battle.
In the menu, you can change your status, and that affects how the player can interact with the level as well.

When the menu is open, hold Shift and click on the slots' buttons above to save your stats, and load them whenever you want by clicking the respective button when not holding Shift.

Press Space to interact with something.

Battle Rules

The battle is turn-based.
Everyone has three stats: Force(or Strength), Defense and Velocity.
However, the hero can change dynamically their stats.
When the battle is happening outside a Dungeon, the player can see the enemies' stats with no issue. However, inside a Dungeon, the enemies encrypt their stats and the hero will have to unriddle them to be able battle properly.

-Force and Defense
The damage is based in Force - Defense.
For example, if the hero has 10 FOR and the enemy has 4 DEF, then the damage will be 6.
However, the minimun amount of damage is always 1. So even if the FOR is the same or lower than the DEF, the damage will not be lower than 1.

The turn order is based in Velocity.
For example, if the hero has 10 VEL and the enemy has 5 VEL, then the hero will attack twice before the enemy.

  • Hero

  • Hero

  • Enemy

  • Hero

  • Hero

This also apply for other smaller differences. For exemple, if the hero has 8 VEL and the enemy has 6, the hero will attack once before the enemy, but every three turns the hero will attack twice.

  • Hero

  • Enemy

  • Hero

  • Enemy

  • Hero

  • Hero

  • Enemy
    ...The player may change the hero stats once per turn, when in battle. This will take part on their strategies to win the fight.
    There's always an advantage to spread the points in a stat, like maximizing FOR to get a fatal blow, or maximizing DEF to survive more turns or even maximizing VEL to have more opportunities to attack, however, it's important for the player to notice that they have to optmize their stats so that they can deal the most damage and take the less.
    The player also has limits to bear their stats.
    At the beginning, for example, the minimum for every stat is 1 and the maximum is 10. When they get better equipment, this min and max values changes, like minimum 5 and maximum 15 for FOR when they get a new sword.


Game Designer: José Estevão Pinto de Oliveira (FACENS' RA: 132184)
Advisor: Wilson Roberto Marcondes De Oliveira Junior

SFX by (CCHub - Free Music and Footages) and (
Music by: Incompetech

Special thanks to Leonardo Domingues Amaral to help me with feedback.



Cartoon Violence
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