
Comments (5)

What do you think?

This game isn't good. i open it playyed the first level and game wont close which is annoying. my screen was flashing and had very loud annoying sounds. it's a pain and nucsense i would'nt recommend getting this game

literally a trojan dawg

Este juego no es tan bueno. El hecho de que el texto esté en un idioma que no hablo, estoy usando un traductor, es malo. La segunda cosa es que no deberías tener que usar el Administrador de tareas para salir del juego. Espero que hayas mejorado en los 2 años transcurridos desde que se lanzó este juego.

This game is not that good. The fact that the text is in a language I don't speak, I'm using a translator, is bad. The second thing is that you shouldn't have to use Task Manager to quit the game. I hope you've improved in the 2 years since this game was released.



Version: 1.2.0about 3 years ago


Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed