Comments (136)
If you have problems with "viruses", then read my post about it at game's page.
Bruh, if we just don't want to kill someone, the game ends , but if we kill everyone.... the game ends. This was very dissapointing! Like, you just worked on the graphics, not anything , only freakin' graphics! Gameplay, story, nah f**k it! Bro, this remastering needs a remaster!
Got the link to the game, enjoy
This is a very unique take on a tired old classic. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope @luigikidgaming sees it, he would enjoy it.
How l get the game
Android Version
This is a Remastered version of my old Sonic.exe Simulator. Now IT has NB-Remake texture style with Exetior as the main player.
This game is avaible on Android and PC devices.
Engine: Linum Framework
Jump - "Z"
Forward, backward, right, left - buttons "Up", "Down", "Right", "Left"
Good luck ^_^
NB-Remake Sprites (including Exetior) by JaizKoys
Exetior's 3D Render on thumbnail by @MarceloCortez203Loquendero
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