
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Very well done, enjoyed the presentation and the endless part is almost perfect imo.

While, at present, I do not have the time to write the full review that this game deserves, I will say this: It is to my knowledge, a very unique game that challenges the players perception of how side-scrolling puzzles are to be played. That having been said, the challenge doesn't create any negative interference with the value and general enjoyability of the games mechanics. Good job - keep it up.


Experimental Motion- DEMO

Version: 0.1123.0over 14 years ago

Experimental Motion

Version: 0.112.0over 14 years ago

Link to Newest Version:

How to play: Arrow Keys move, Space Bar jumps/dbl Jumps. WASD changes gravity. The floating + sings give you points, the Os add to your combo and tail. You also receive combo for moving through the maze quickly. Enjoy!

The game generates levels based on the resolution and song selected, so if you have dual/triple screens and can fullscreen to that size, it will generate levels of that size. Also, some combinations cause errors, this is an issue I am aware of and working on to fix.

There is a known bug where Box2d occasionaly causes a crash. I am unable to directly fix this issue, and I am currently seeking a workaround

Planned features: Add your own songs, online high score lists, achievements, multiple game modes, playlists, and anything you want to suggest!


Experimental Motion to be IGF Entry

A Glitch- To fix or not to fix?

There is a known glitch where you get stuck in the beginning. If this occurs for now, just restart the game. i will fix it after the weekend.