
Comments (26)

What do you think?

Nice game, it was all sorts of (good) chaos. Controls took some getting used to though.
I've also rated you on Indievsgamers.
If you'd like to take a look at our game:

Nice game.. the controls using the mouse took me a while to get used to, but it was interesting.. there are a few polishment you still have to do, but I saw others mentioned it also.. but one thing bothered me a little and I havent seen in the comments I read is when the game starts it becomes very laggy because of all the objects created.. try preloading them before the game starts.. also the colision with the wall is a bit strange.. I didnt notice to much the other collisions because of the fast pace of the game..

Challenging but fun game! I included it in part 24 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


I finally got around to your game! I'm sorry for putting it off, I had a bunch of tabs open in my browser of games I wanted to play and yours was in the back, so it took me a while to get to it, but I'm glad I did! All of the problems I found have already been said, so I'm not gonna regurgitate them again. Otherwise great job on the game!

I know you've already played my game, and thank you for doing so, but if anybody else would like to play my game, here I am shamelessly begging for attention.

Awesome game man ,was a hell of a ride ! xD I can play this game for loooong looong time !



Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago
Exterminate , made for #indiesvsgamers

Exterminate is an Arcade shooter game made for #indiesvsgamers


Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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