Comments (3)
I wonder why god hasn't destroyed us yet...
Attention I'm Going To Make The English version for the third update ok
F***Boys Untitled Edicion en español
Cuando cuatro amigos estan aburridos quieren usar un poder mitico con un suero pero los han traicionado y les dieron el incorrecto y ahora su poder es muy fuerte no solo eso si no que tambien contrataron criaturas malvadas para freirles la p*** y buscan venganza los ayudaras a obtener la preciada venganza?
When four friends are bored want to use a mythical power with a serum but were betrayed and gave them wrong and now his power is very strong not only that but it also hired freirles the evil creatures to seek revenge yiff their d *** and the you helped to get the coveted revenge?
Lucio Juarez Peralta Mael / Lucio Fboy
Mateo Agustin Benitez / Mateo Fboy
Ignacio Mateo Musolino / ElMuso Fboy
Ezequiel Sifon Gatica / ElGato Fboy
Mariana Bilhere / Mariana Fgirl
Rocio Perez Velasco / RocioP Fgirl
Lola Otero / Lola Fgirl
Melisa Giardina / Melisa Fgirl
Rocio Torello / Rocio T Fgirl
Special Casting
Camilo Agustin Benitez / Michael Jackson
Paulo Andres Juarez Peralta / TuPac
Lucio Juarez Peralta / Mauro
Tomii Albaini / Phantom Daz
Bautista Chulvi / Bauti
?????? / El Dueño Del Bar
Luca Kupersmid / Luca