Comments (6)
I play this and finish this and sorry its a little too easy (very good game , 20/20 , OMFG ...)
I want to be completely honest with you from the very beginning : when I downloaded this, I only did so because the idea of FNAFB mixed with Pokémon seemed to have it's potential but even so I did not expect much because you explicitly stated it was your first game.
But actually...I spend most of my day completing this because I got SO much more fun out of it then initially planned. It has plenty of great boss battles, dialogue, areas to explore, helpful and damaging skills, and the monotony you can experience from walking around from battle to battle was broken up a few times by e.g. the Slenderman paper collecting part and the Dark Puppet "Maze" which actually got me a few times.
There is not much to complain about. Sure I can list every spelling mistake you made, but that would not be worth the effort I think.
So what is there to fix? Not much, just two things :
You can clip through the closets and most of the furniture in B.B.'s Kitchen;
When you attempt the Legendary Nightmare challenge, the battle starts but then cuts of because I get an error telling me there is a missing voice file saying "go back to your own world" or something along those lines.
For the rest, I wanted to express my doubts about the ludicrous amount of money you get in general for winning a battle, but on the other hand I think it's a nice "feature" as it greatly diminishes grinding time and you really need A GREAT DEAL of money if you want to buy all the equipment from the Inn Dragons.
In the beginning, I feel like the Pokémon are too hard, and most party members are useless since they have weak weapons. Heck I'm sure the "early game' would be a nightmare if Freddy already did not have a Dragon Dildo equipped. But it's nothing that LOADS OF MONEY for cakes and such can't fix.
Through the course of the game, as you make progress and get better equipment/weapons, level up and learn new skills, I feel like after a while, bosses are no challenge anymore, and just serve as damage sponges you have to get through to put it bluntly. This is mainly because you get some ridiculous powerful skills later in the game, especially when you start getting your first Phantom and completely if you got all the Phantoms.
Maybe the difficulty can be upped (be it for this game or your sequel which you baited at the end of the credits) by making more bosses able to attack twice, or even more?
I'm not troubled by this a lot though, as I feel like not all RPG's (or in this case, FNAFB-inspired RPG's) need to be tough as shit. I quite enjoyed the continous power trip I went on after I got all the Kingly Weapons, and even more so when my main four guys got Phantomised.
For me in terms of bosses, the absolute highlight was the 3-part Toy Freddy boss, and his 2nd form in his last encounter was not unthinkable, but not immediately obvious either. So props for that! I can tell a lot of work went in that.
The last thing I really enjoyed was that every character had his own Pokémon which he would use in battle, like e.g. Golden Freddy & Hydreigon, Springtrap & Magmortar, Enragement Child & Garchomp, Foxy & Scizor etc...
However for a sequel I would HIGHLY recommend to have more battles in which a character fights with his own Pokémon (like the first G. Freddy & Hydreigon vs Springtrap & Magmar battle) and that if you encounter a "Pokémon using" boss, he has a larger team, meaning more then one Pokémon to use.
In practice you could make it so :
a boss sends out multiple Pokémon at once before facing you himself;
a boss sends out one (single battle), two (double battle) or three (triple battle) Pokémon at a time before facing you himself;
a boss fights alongside all Pokémon he has against you from the start;
a boss fights you alongside one or more Pokémon from the start, and if possible, replaces any fallen Pokémon with a new one.
Either way for a first attempt, this is not a masterpiece, but a VERY worthy addition to the short list of ACTUAL QUALITY FNAFB Fangames!
This is not fnafb series. all content coprights belong to their respective owners
inspirate by Sable Lynn and joshua shaw
After the insident of the chaostic timeline by enragement child, Freddy were
able to defeat him once more. but in the moment of the truth enragement child
is still alive but not only him, Golden Freddy and springtrap were too but they got
sepperated after the explosions. and this is where an another chaos has begun
springtrap meet with b.b and they work together to find another plan to end freddy
fazbear entertainment. and they create a machine to create portal to find a monster
and they found one called "Fckmon" known as a pokemon , it was a big mistake to bring
fckmon in this timeline because some of them can control people's mind. ans springtrap
has been brainwashed by one of the legendary darkness "f*ckmon".
Copyrighted music
Foxy First F*ckmon
Nightmare challenge
F*ckmon taken over all the cameras
ressurected past enemies
refurbs match again
B.B help freddy even as nenemies
3 presents in freddy f*ckboys pizza
This is my first rpg game....