Comments (8)

k where is it?
Oh no se pueden jugar este juego
Me gusta. El face. Raiderc
Have you ever played Face Raiders on a 3DS or a 2DS and thought you wanted more then what you already have? Well look no further cause I have the answers to all your problems! Introducing Face Raiders Expansion, it's similar to the real face raiders, but with a whole lot more features that makes it stand out even more. This game will include new stages, new upgrades, new friends and foes, and so much for to offer. Play it any kind of device that you have, Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, anything that you have will be playable for a game like this. Face Raiders Expansion will cost absolute no money, all you need is a tennis ball launcher, and lots of fun! Face Raiders Expansion: coming soon to a webpage near you. And remember, a happy gamer is a happy raider.
Update: Sorry to say, but this game is now cancelled