Comments (81)
First off, let me just get something out the way. This game is gorgeous! It's so nice to look at!
Sorry, just thought that was an important thing to get off my chest before diving into my other thoughts.
When I started playing this demo, I was a bit worried that my hands would get tied in knots trying to control two characters at the same time, but the way the game is designed makes it more of a breeze than you may think. Firstly, Wispy (our floaty friend), follows Kimo (our land crawling buddy) around, so you don't have to actually move both at the same time, just Kimo. Second, you only need to really use Wispy when interacting with certain things, like checkpoints and bad guys and the like. This makes the game a much more pleasant and wondrous experience!
The fighting elements (this is where Kimo shines) are also really fun to get to grips with. If you jump and whack an enemy in flight you get bounced back a little, so you have to make sure to time things just right unless you want to fall in the wrong place.
Finally, the boss we have the privilege of fighting at the end is a real challenge, but at the same time not so much of a challenge that I had to call it quits. Every time I died I carried a little bit of knowledge into the next fight, and perseverance pays off! And that's what this game feels like it's gonna be all about. There's going to be moments you think you just can't do it, and you'll have to steel yourself and grit your teeth to make it through.
Phew, this ended up a bit more essay-like than I intended, so here's a TL:DR version: side-scrolling platformery fighty game good. Look pretty. Atmospheric and wondrous. Download and play for yourselves. Much greatness.
Thanks for all the hard work that's obviously been poured into this, and keep up the awesome job! =)
Good show so far, I look forward to seeing the full game, let me know how it goes.
YouTuber: Fellowplayer
Its kinda like hollowknight and I love it
It's a very good game I hope the full one comes out
Faerie Afterlight Demo

Simultaneously control Kimo and Wispy in this 2D beautifully stylized Metroidvania game filled with courage and camaraderie. Explore hidden ruins, solve puzzles, and make unlikely allies in a quest to recover the broken shards of Light! ✨
Background Story

The Book of Light tells the tale of a once-prosperous land called Lumina, blessed with glorious light and peace. High above, a source of light called Lucentia was protected by millions of fairies. It granted the power of light that sustained all living forms below. But one day, a dark power arose, seeking to destroy Lucentia. The evil Kradyrev thrived on shattering the source of light into pieces.
The world below fell into darkness and became precarious.  Wispy, a young fairy, tried to chase a large piece of Lucentia but ended up falling to the underworld of Lumina. There, she met Kimo, a little mythical creature who always kept to himself. Over time, they became friends and embarked on a journey to find the other pieces of Lucentia.
No one knows what would happen to the land of Lumina without the power of Lucentia's light. However, the Book of Light also foretells a Hero of Light who will come to save the world from eternal darkness.

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