Comments (10)
you are using art from protal
This game has surprised me, for that I'll vote 5/5!
Cant wait to see where this goes, its a shame you used portal images (breaking the rules of the jam) thought...
I included it in part 24 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
I understand the complains.
After the jam ends I will be making some updates and fixes.
Is it suppose to be slow? It was very slow for me, not the game-lag-wise, but the movement was a veeeeery slow flying forward. Shooting was quite slow too. Maybe I was doing something wrong :<
Fall of Horizont
Nothing to say just have fun and:
W,A,S,D,F turn light on-off and survive.
Programming and Primary idea:
Programming and game concept