Comments (9)
can you drive cars?
this is only for mac because im using windows
it doesn't work that well there is only one map and only one weapon with no ammo anywhere what do i do in this situation?
What engine did you use?
When will windows version come out/?
family guy gun wars 1.1
download the 1.1 version here older version
family guy gun wars mods
mods for the game
family guy gun wars 1.1 data
you need the data to play the game. game will not run without older data
family guy gun wars 1.2
1.2 version download here
family guy gun wars data 1.2
heres the data for it
this a fan game for familyguy. no donations needed its all made with dim3 editor for mac and its amazing i love making this game and you will love it too
Mild Cartoon Violence
Crass Humor