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Fantaisy miracle

Version: 0.0.1over 3 years ago

English tradd

Version: 0.1.1about 3 years ago
just replace the data folder by this one


Fantaisy miracle est l'hitoire d'un jeune adulte appellé Emraud, il vie avec sa petite soeur et s'entraine avec son maitre dans le but de devenire guerroymage.

un jour, alors que emraud protégeais un village avec son maitre, sa petite soeur se fait kidbapper. quand il rentre chez lui, il s'en apperçois et decide de partire a sa recherche.

Mais se kidnapping n'est que le début d'une série d'evenement que emraud va vivre durant son voyage... si il fait un mauvais choix, il pourrais bien détruire le monde. heuresement il va rencontré des compagnon telle que Chiyu, une kitsune de la tribu de l'eau, Dulros un draguon redoutable et Zillyana, une petite elfe des glaçe qui est une prodige de la magie.


Fantaisy Miracle is the story of a young adult called Emraud, he lives with his little sister and trains with his master in order to become a warmage.

one day, while emraud was protecting a village with his master, his little sister was kidnapped. when he returns home, he notices it and decides to go looking for Her.

But kidnapping himself is only the beginning of a series of events that Emraud will experience during his journey ... if he makes a bad choice, he could well destroy the world. Fortunately he will meet companions such as Chiyu, a kitsune of the water tribe, Dulros a formidable draguon and Zillyana, a little ice elf who is a prodigy of magic.

#rpg #adventure

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Better battle hud Yay!!


s'up... just here to say i am still working on the game


juste ici pour dire que je travaille toujour sur le jeu

good news! the english traduction is complete! yay!!! but there still somm errore i have not correct evrithing... but it's playable! for playing at the game in english, a little remind.

download the game then the traduction then replace the data folder.

Ooopsy i made a little error. this actual translation i have made don't work. but do not worry! i am correcting that!

heu... sorry... i wanted to say FIXING THAT!

hello english men, today it's your day. I have mad an english

traduction. it's not a very good traduction for now... but i will improve that with the time