Comments (5)
If anyone wants to play the game and don't understand portuguese reply that i might translate the game to english :)
This is what the description says, if anyone was wondering:
"Basic version of my first game made in RPG Maker VX Ace.
This game tells the story of a young Ryuk archer who has the dream of saving the world from the evil that plagues their land."
It's a fantasy RPG, but it's translated to Portuguese, but if you want to try. I'll add some screenshots later. Thanks for commenting =D
Hey what is this game about exactly? i want to download it but im skeptical
Far Out in The Sky (Simples)
Far Out in The Sky (Avançada)
Versão básica do meu primeiro jogo feito no Rpg Maker VX Ace.
Esse jogo conta a história de Ryuk um jovem arqueiro que tem o sonho de salvar o mundo do mau que atormenta a sua terra.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans