Comments (6)
why nobody was talking about snas returns? it was good, its in the folder of the fnf game
top 10 awesome actually made an unironically good song, i'm impressed.
(btw, yes, for those of you who don't know, this song was made by top 10 awesome.)
Finally, i've been waiting for this
jofini pranked us at abril fools day
Funkin' Against The Anomalies DEMO
It's finally HERE! The DEMO for the 100% normal modification Fankin' Against The Anomals! Follow Boyman as he battles the deadly and evil (evil) StareCron, the also evil (deadly) Ferd the Forg, and many more in this legit demo that ISN'T taken over by a creature of doom and suffering!
Me and the team are beyond excited for you to see this passion project when it's done, and we've been working to make this a true guaranteed unique experience for you guys! Thank you for being patient, it'll be done when it's ready :)
Happy Abril Fools!