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Fat SuperSonic Hedgehog's Adventures PC (V4)

Version: 0.4.0almost 7 years ago
This is the Mentioned Legend game, so in the Update 4 i was updated a Screen-resize thing...

Fat SuperSonic Hedgehog's Adventures PC + Online

Version: 0.1.0almost 7 years ago
You can play this game online, go, try it.

Hi guys Welcome the my old puzzle game...
So i remind, when i drew and play this game on my school table, so i was drew a Fat Supersonic Hedgehog and i feed them with All of JELLY DEFENSE CHARACTERS, so thats was fun after all İ got a idea about why not SUPERSONİC HEDGEHOG BOİ going to portal of the real world and eat all of these humanity and universe? So i was really add this on my game after that all i am going on my home, İts like snowy outside of my house, yeah, İ am tottaly used Clickteam Fusion 2.5 for Creating my old school table project (FAT SUPERSONİC HEDGEHOG'S ADVENTURES), i was isn't know How i save a file for my game, so i has created the game like 1 years ago, So this means i have no idea for Clickteam works, and i was going to learn How to save file, so iwas learned 5-6 months ago, yay! And today i am really know how to saving a file, i updated this game with characters of game like 1-2 months ago, beacuse 1 years ago i was posted this video on my offical channel ; , so the game was Void a
File-save system and it doesn't works, also in the game you can't play as another characters if you win the main game, if you click it Characters or Challenges Button, the game gives a COMİNG SOON... text, So i was updated this and now if you click it the buttons really and tottaly works! And also
save-file system is works and real in this time, so i can't upload the Video Gameplay/Walkthrough version of this game, but i was this though, i can upload it when the game is when finishes with all of challenges, because some challanges is really missing, so i am tried the make a 2th challange (maze challange) but Clickteam Gived me an a error, and quit it the game. So now you can download the game on this gamejolt page but 3 more challanges is missing if i upload all of the challenges i can give a message about HEY GUYS İ AM HAS CREATED ALL OF CHALLANGES! Oh okey, BYE

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