
Comments (123)

What do you think?

for every 10 waves, there could be like a boss and i have some suggestions
wave 10: nightmare freddy, 300 hp, slow, could send out 3 freddles when spawned in, each having 50 hp and are fast
wave 20: nightmare bonnie, 500 hp, medium speed, could possibly have a bit of a longer-ranged weapon by hitting the player with the guitar
wave 30: nightmare chica, 500 hp, medium speed, sends out her nightmare cupcake when spawned it who is medium-fast speed, and has 100 hp
wave 40: nightmare foxy, 550 hp, fast, he could be something like bonnie aswell, where he can slash with his hook for a bit longer-ranged
wave 50: nightmare fredbear, 800 hp, medium-fast speed, he could throw his tophat dealing 10-20 damage or something
wave 60+: nightmare, 1000 hp, fast, could also throw his tophat but instead dealing 20-35 damage


Pleas make it for android!

saw that fuzionZgamer was playing this sooooo



Fazbear's Shootout (ALPHA)

Version: 0.8.0over 5 years ago
Alpha for the game (with new bug fixes and tweaks and new map.)

(This was just a test game.)

Welcome to your first day at Fazbear Entertainment trying an arcade machine and doing absolutely nothing but playing on it. Fazbear Entertainment assures you that all the coins/credits you've spent on the arcade will be spent wisely, and not given away to corporate entities to please the investors.

  • Features:
    Different levels with their own unique theme.
    Different items to buy.
    Re-playable value.
    Custom OST.

  • Controls:
    WASD: Move.
    LMB, RMB, A: For item(s).
    E: Interact.

  • PC Minimum Requirements;
    Desktop PC Windows.
    Windows 7 64-bit.
    Quad-core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 GHz or faster.
    NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD series card or higher.
    6 GB RAM Or higher.

  • Credits:
    Nikson, Supersonic2233: general help and ideas.
    ShadowGaming10/Nova Tedd: Soundtrack.
    LPGAnimations: Some animations.
    Noe.Vah: A few models.
    TheBoofster, Everything_Animation, RynFox, CoolioArt, StrangeSpyder, HeroGollum, Hector, RainySunset, DaMikel: Animatronics.

Powered by Unreal engine 4.

#fnaf #fangame #survival #horror #shooter #other #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed


New update is out!

First Alpha is out!

Alpha should be out in 2/3 hours!

Welcome to Fazbear's Shootout!