Comments (90)
I played the remakes for all 3 games and i have to say the remake for the third game is by far the worse.
it has a lot of problems but i'll start with the minor ones.
Party members are at level 1 when they join
while a minor problem,this is pretty annoying as you have 9 party members,resulting in me leveling them up constantly,making it tedious on the grinding side
The difficultys aren't good
i don't want to play on lame nerd,as you start with 5 levels
but the other ones are rather more annoying than tedious
instant kill attacks on enemies just makes battles annoying rather than more "difficult" as you just spam cakes
what doesn't help is that i got instant killed on lame nerd as well,making the "instant kill attacks" addition not really much of a game changer as luigi&mario can stil instant kill you regardless
the other difficulty doubling enemy stats and adding in the "can only save thrice" function as well results in a pretty annoying time rather than something more "difficult"
The shop teleporting after use to a random room is annoying & not being told when the shop upgrades is straight up bad
while the shop teleporting to a random room is more tedious than a major flaw,it doesn't add in much expect padding out time as you waste time looking in every room for the shop. like what if you want to sell your old equipment? time to look for it in the entire map
not being told when the shop upgrades is straight up bad,you either check it like a maniac after every cam kill/party member gained or just keep playing until you think the shop is upgraded
The cams lacking in gimicks is lackluster
the only cam gimicks i've seen are "i come with backup" and "you can only fight as wario" for the mario room cam
while "i come with backup" is a alright gimick,you shouldn't use it for multiple cams. due to the cams having almost all no gimicks and samey ones,it resulted in me feeling bored as most of the time i was just fighting the same cam with higher stats
The game suffers from powercreep
Here's a example,Why use peach as a healer when Ashley has:AOE HP regen,Full Heal revive,AOE full heal revive,a better passive,able to give 80 TP to all allies and can inflict sleep and silence?
Peach is a weak healer as her buffs are just straight up bad due to the sp degen along side not having a revive skill anymore,sure she can heal a decent amount but you have no reason to use her over ashley who does everything peach can do better
the problem is overlapping roles as peach,ashley,bowser and even toad to some degree are healers/support yet due to this overlap and not really having unqie aspects to them results in peach falling to the side
Another problem is wario,the changes to the moveset made him pretty damn weak. he doesn't synergize with anyone and is mainly just deadweight,most of his attacks are petty weak and can't do much besides hitting a stun and sometimes hitting a confused. sure you got a consitent way to inflict defense down but he doesn't have much going for him
Another problem is the fact how there's no DOTs expect luigi's,making killing bosses a slog as you lack the basic and most important part of your toolkit
the extra items
while finding items and using in them in different parts of the house is neat,the alternate armor helps at making things unbalanced as you can wear em and not take damage from enemies making grinding easy along side early version of the party member bosses and cams
the one use items you can gain are a mixed bag,100% sleep on a enemy isn't really good as the healing output from the enemy due to sleep can fuck you more over than anything. other like the battery which gives a lot of TP to all allies is straight up broke. i like the idea but the items are so busted and you gain them early which doesn't help at all trying to make this game balanced.
what doesn't help is the fact you can't grind omegas until wario is level 20 and in the omega room,you get the kingly wario weapon for free. i find this game desgin choice wierd and nonsenseical as it doesn't add much or do much either
as by the point wario was at level 20,most of my party was level 20 as well.
The finale of the game came out of nowhere
A acquaintance of mine saw the ending and said it wasn’t following the fnaw lore with stuff like bruno and post credit scene but stil had the music box part of fnaw 3. Speaking of the music box
the whole music box thing had no build up in game,making me question why was it even there
DK addition to the ending also felt lackluster
The characters are boring
almost all the character interactions are them shitting on each other which doesn't give them much of a personality,like sure fnafb characters don't have much depth unless you're g.freddy or vile but even the fnaf 1 co had much more to them (1/2)
I started the game and have spent about 45 minutes trying to figure out what I'm suppose to do. What am I suppose to do?
There's only one issue I have with this game: the post credits ending. Endings being vague CAN be cool, but the post credits ending is so confusing that I wonder if there will be a fourth game to clear up the confusion the post credits ending gave me.
fuck you for adding a skibidi toliet meme
I want to f*** night at wario's 4
F*** Nights at Wario's 3
The third incarnation of a copycat of a copycat that exists for no other reason than to be a pure insult to games with effort. Who ever said Wario was a pothead anyway??
This game features:
Wario's bald head
Donkey Kong's house getting home invaded
Ashley is dead lol
Yoshi's translator was killed by a rouge giant weed propR.I.P. John Yoshitranslator 1969 - 2023
Exploring a couch's body a little too intimately
Evil Skrillex
The Inevitable Apocalypse caused by tomfoolery
Ibuprofen required. Headaches are guaranteed. Patience being tested will happen. Don't say we didn't warn you.