
Comments (37)

What do you think?

The difficulty curve is definitely high, and the random elements feel almost rogue-like at times. The game is frustrating, but has enough intriguing elements that even when quitting, I feel like I'm going to be coming back to have another look and try something different.

For users familiar with tabletop RPG's the over-all feel of the game is very similar to Lamentations of the Flame Princess or Cthulhu Dark Age. For everybody else, it's like Lord of the Rings and the Evil Dead remake had a baby, and the result was on Super Nintendo.

Give the demo a shot if you aren't sure if it's your cup of tea. The material involved is very extreme, so it's not going to be for everybody. However, I think it's growing on me, and I will likely invest.

Kudos to the dev team! You guys have made something pretty unique.

This is a frustrating and beautiful game. Thank you.

Buyed now the game, after "tried" from a friend , hope you continue to update this game, this game can become a legend ;).

This looks interesting, bit high in the cost but at least you have a demo for me to have a go at. Good job :)

This game seemed to borrow Darkest Dungeon's aesthetics and implemented it into a game, but with a different playstyle. I'll try and play this game to see if I got what i bargained for :I
Plus, it is much more decent than any slapstick of an RMMV game, so that's a plus! o_o

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Fear & Hunger - Demo Version 5.1

Version: 0.5.1almost 7 years ago

Fear & Hunger - Full Version 1.0

Version: 1.4.1about 4 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Fear & Hunger



Fear & Hunger is a horror dungeon crawler set in the dark and hopeless dungeons of fear and hunger. Four misfortuned adventurers dwell deeper and deeper to the darkness and uncover the secrets this ancient fortress holds inside. The fortress works as an ancient nexus for different planes of existence. The depths are in an eternal turmoil as both old and new gods struggle for power, it’s up to the players to choose their position and stance in all of this.

The game is a hybrid of survival horror and dungeon crawler genres with its influences ranging from Silent Hill to Nethack. There are roguelike elements to the game as well as a heavy foundation of a j-RPG. Fear & Hunger is heavy on atmosphere and ruthless in its difficulty.


! A dark and bleak atmosphere
! Unforgiving and unique gameplay
! 4 different character classes
! Randomized elements to keep the game fresh
! Turn-based Strategic Dismember Combat System
! Graphical art style mixing pixel art with digital painting
! Original soundtrack

The world of Fear & Hunger is VERY dark. THE GAME IS MEANT ONLY FOR MATURE AUDIENCES! Extreme violence and gore are everyday sights in the dungeons and death is one of the easier ways to go in the game. The game has drug and substance abuse, heavy themes ranging from self-mutilation to sexual violence. None of the themes are taken lightly however. They are all part of the world building and there to create the unique atmosphere where the game measures just how far the player is willing to go in order to survive.

Parts of the dungeon layout, events, loot and enemy placements are randomized with few different variations to keep things fresh with subsequent playthroughs. The game is designed with the classic trial and error formula, so you can expect to start the game over and over again. But as long as you learn from your mistakes, you can quickly find yourself at the deeper levels of the dungeon.

The combat in Fear & Hunger is turn-based akin to classic role-playing games, but with a twist of it’s own. You can target individual limbs of your enemies to dismember them strategically and thus maximize your chances for survival. However, just the same, enemies can also cut off the arms and the legs of your playable characters if you are not careful. You need to prepare well for every encounter if you wish to stay alive. But don’t forget that running away from threats is often the best solution as well. There are many ways for survival in Fear & Hunger - You can find better equipment, learn different blood and love magic, fuse characters into each other, pray different gods, talk your way out of battles, meet new party members, snipe enemies from distance, use traps to disable them… and so on. The Idea is to use what you got at your disposal and be creative with it.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Graphic Sexual Themes

Fear & Hunger - Version 1.4.1 Update! Mostly bug fixes, but there are few new additions. You can save on any bed found in the game now (not without its dangers) and you can now get Blue Sin sword.

Version 1.2.0 Update is here!! Lots of smaller expansions to existing areas and there is also a brand new area if you go for the ending C and D. S endings for all of the main characters And a new game mode that is unlocked when you finish the game.


​Changes with the latest version 1.1.2 are mostly fixes. The black out bug near the tower of endless, ending B final boss bug and bugs with the skill backstab are hopefully history. If not, please let me know! :O

The version update 1.1.0 is here! The update bring a lot of changes and of course fixes too. There are additional bosses, enemies, items and areas added. Also one of the biggest changes is the new cube of the depths system.

Quick fix 1.0.3 fixes some of the bosses and also the throne room bug. There are some balance tweaks also. Another update is also on the way this january that will add more actual content to the game, so look forward to that!