Comments (223)
It won't lit it load the game when I did new game then alpha map and it loaded got to 89% and the game stop could you please fix it
I like it! Looking forward to multiplayer.
can you update it soon plz?
Love the new update keep it up :)
can you make a chrome OS version for chromebooks
Feed & Grow - Alpha version
Jump into the underwater world and show off your skills in the wilderness of Feed and Grow, a fish simulator! This survival game is in alpha stage at the moment and new patches and updates are coming! Single player version is out, be sure to check out news here on GameJolt and our Facebook on updates and upcoming features!
Show your love for the game with Greenlight
Controls: ( you can also change these in Options->Controls menu )
[Mouse] - Rotate
[W] - Forward
[S] - Backward
[LeftShift] - Sprint
[LeftMouse button] [ hold / release ] - Bite
[RightMouse button] [ hold ] - Eat
To eat have your mouth open (hold [Right Mouse]) and go through food.
To kill/bite have your mouth open (hold [Left Mouse]) and close it infront of something killable, you also might end up bitten/stuck to your target, in that case you can just Re-Open your mouth to get free.
Like it? Have tips on making Feed and Grow more awesome?
Drop us a message in the comments!
Feel like supporting Bibos the fish and his bros even more? Show your support with rating!
Thanks for playing and see you all in mulitplayer Feed and Grow madness soon!
Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed