
Comments (26)

What do you think?

I feeled. I feeled more then i have ever feeled in my life. I have never felted like this in my entire existence, something about this game defined feelz, and they penetrated me like a feels. After i played this, the feeleds overwhelmed me, and i could only life with feel. Feels i could only obtain playing this game. I had never known how a feel could be before i found this. It changed my feelz beyond any comprehension that i have ever known. Thank you for the hit in the feelz. I cry evrytim for this game. Feelz/99 for me. Omg. Also, do a mode with endless time limit so there can be more time to feel, and less time to lose. The end. Dont forget to subscribe, donate, like, tweet, thumbsup, call, skype, and feelz to me and my life. The end. p.s the game is fun. Many feelz were had. The end. P.s. make an endless time mode, and plz subscribe me. The end. bye bye now. Seeya. FEELZ BRUH! :D

This is actually pretty fun. Although you made the same mistake as Sanicball, making it based around memes, and having a meme based reception.

Favorite game on this website.

tfw no endless mode

I hate it when i loose.
anyone else feel me on this one? : D


Feel Pong

Version: 1.1.0over 8 years ago

Play pong, with feels . . .


-100+ words to feel

-Share the feel to Facebook

-Tweet the feel

-Real time feel


Feel the PC version!

Apparently, chrome disabled the unity support.
So now, we can feel the game in PC.

The feels is updated!

-Add some words for you to feel…

-Add a message that if you have a feel words to share to the world, feel free to comment on this page!

The feels is updated!

-Add some words for you to feel…

-Add a warning about pop up blocking…

The feel train has arrived!

The feel train/bus/fery/plane is here!