
Comments (668)

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Hey, I just had some free time, or didn't know what to do next overall. And stumbled upon this fangame again. I decided to remember those good old days. And oh my, didn't just age well but maybe even got better. And I'm not joking, I don't usually feel like that while replaying a fangame, it's just something surreal. I just love it in so many ways. As soon as I boot up the game, there's just a "warning" menu of some kind, but the soundtrack. Just wow, I instantly remembered those times, back then in 2017, and what developer definitely knows in games - music. I wanted to stay longer but it was time to finally play. Then the Main Menu theme drops. It felt so warm, so cozy, hearing that beat again. Soundtrack really lived up to this day. Then I get into the game, and... I don't know how, I actually felt in danger. Again, it's bringing back so many feelings, I just can't explain it. I thought I lost ability to feel horror atmosphere in media, but it was build-up so well, I really was terrified. I wasn't sure of my actions then, I was afraid of doing something wrong even now. It's that atmosphere that horror needs, when you just don't want to enter the level, since you know, there is always danger, you will always be on nerves. You are just scared of getting scared. I'm really thankful this game for bringing this, maybe not pleasant at first, feeling. Amount of adrenaline I've got after lurking around Fazbear's Fright is really high. Even office section is scary enough. It's like FNAF 2, you are always into doing some task, you can't have a second to relax. Here it's upgraded, both process itself and its horror element. You just have to turn off the power in time, right? It's an actual challenge. You must be focused on that all the time. And animatronics keep you going all the time, too. But it's so much more effective. In original game you know, they just stay there in the vent, they can't move blah, blah, blah. Here it's always on move. Unity gave the game a lot of priorities. Springtrap section, it's just dread. No resource managment, no multitasking. Just you and the machine. It's as damn scary as it was 3 years ago. You are always afraid of doing next step. You may just go around the corner just fine or see Springtrap running at you faster than Blake while sprinting in Outlast 2. It's a perfect formula, it's done so well in so many ways. And I just have to say, I really appreciate those small details in the game. Like at first, you start a Springtrap (Part 2) level, trying to move around, look down and see no body. You are like, okay, I can live that, it's just a fangame. Then you pay more details into office (non-free roam Part 1 now) and you can see a person sitting in the office from animatronic view. I would have never mentioned that only if my brother pointed that out. It's such a small detail, I wouldn't even think of checking, but developer took his time, and made a human model. It's just dedication. You don't expect something big in a project like this, it's just a small Unity game, not even having a save system (which was perfect to me back then, since I was lazy to actually complete the games), but then there are dedicated Menu themes (which done great), extra Extras section (I don't think someone ever made Extras like that), I just love it, thank you developer for such a great project

Also, if anyone's still having trouble with Part 2 section, here is the location for all the keys, I don't send Springtrap patterns or anything, this is more than enough:

Night 1: CAM 3

Night 2: Just survive for a bit before the call ends, I guess so

Night 3: CAM 5

Night 4: CAM 9

Night 5: CAM 7

can you sent me the free roam verison?

For some reason when I open the game I cant get past the please read part please help!

Night 1 Complete!! My gameplay video -

This game is the best. Part 2 was free roam and that was even better great job


FNaF: Final Hours

Version: 1.7.0over 7 years ago

Five Nights at Freddys: Final Hours

Join our discord!

Welcome to your new summer job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where kids and parents alike come for entertainment and food as far as the eye can see! The main attraction is Freddy Fazbear, of course; and his two friends. They are animatronic robots, programmed to please the crowds! The robots' behavior has become somewhat unpredictable at night however, and it was much cheaper to hire you as a security guard than to find a repairman.

The way to avoid dying

Is to hide from them


Everything_animations and Phan_K_Games - Models

@ShadowsFate and @Bunzo - Voice acting

3DMaesen and Phan_K_Games - Mapping

Reevesguy and Phan_K_Games - Posters

Code/Scripting - Invector - Phan_K_Games




I updated the game, so it should be fixed…

I also might of….

changed the ending :)

Anyway, have fun!

Update coming soon!

I finally found out how to fix the resolution problem. So as soon as I get it fixed up I will update it as soon as possible.

Hope you guys enjoy!

"welcome back!"

New discord server