Comments (24)
Great game , really enjoyed it :) I really liked the atmosphere and the realistic sky. It would be great if it was a little bit longer though... 5/5 :)
This game was absolutely incredible! It is very impressive that you made it in okny 3 days! I also did a playthough of this game!
Hey Meowz... This Was An Aweosme Game To Play! I Really Loved The Soundtrack, I Even Downloaded it. But The Point Where It Knew My Name Freaked Me Out! (In A Good Way)
Watch My Playthrough And Leave Some Feedback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUKtTtt2LnQ
Thanks For The Awesome Game
Hey , I played the game , I liked it , would've been great if it was a little longer :p
I liked the moods sometimes , nice :p
I also did a gameplay on youtubez :p :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTjib8P6094 (plugplug :p )
Hey everybody! This game is so motivational!
Watch my gameplay here:
Thanks :D
Find Me
Game Soundtrack
Find Me
In this game you learn how to face your fears and find "me".
This short, emotional and metaphorical indie game was created in 3 days, so there could still be one or two bugs.
Warning: This game's volume may be a bit high. If you want to let's play it, make sure to record your voice seperately, so you can turn the game volume down enough, or change the game volume to around 0.4 in the menu by clicking on the volume button.
Move: W, A, S, D
Jump: Spacebar
Interact: E
Pause: Escape
(Thank you for all the good let's plays!)
Why I made this game
People today are facing much more psychological problems than you think. I combined this idea with my creativity and motivation to create another own world - and that's why this game was created.
Idea & concept: Joana Burri & Noah Horlacher
Music: Noah Horlacher
Scripting: Noah Horlacher
3D-Modelling: Noah Horlacher & various websites