I LOVE THIS GAME ! When will you make games ??
Great game to smash people !!
Good game ! simple and efficient đź‘Ť
Great game ! I recommend it for all players who want action and fantasy ! ^^
[FR] : Dans un monde magique et fantastique, une légende défend par le feu son château au péril de sa vie.
[EN] : In a magical and fantastic world, a legend defends his castle by fire at the risk of his life.
#horror #adventure #survival #arcade #action #other #game
I'm thinking about multiplayer mode... Is it a good idea ?
Hi ! New version is available ! I added some new stuffs :
- upgrade the map
- upgrade the main widget with level system
- Ennemies spawn
Give me your feedback on it ! It helps me a lot !
I'm working on some new stuff for the game ! Don't hesitate to follow it :)
New version ! I add pause widget with graphic Control... Now it's not very beautiful but i can upgade it :)