Comments (3)
To be honest, this game is just horrible, I'm going list what I feel is wrong with the game
You use the default RPG Maker assets.
I noticed that you didn't even bother to change any default text, sprites, or anything else. This is bound to get you bad ratings, and overall, decreases the quality in your video game.
The game is at a VERY unfinished state.
I can instantly tell you released this game in it's very early development stages. Don't do that. Releasing a game in early pre-alpha raises a big red flag.
Poor grammar.
I noticed many grammatical and structural errors in the dialogue during my playthrough. You might want to consider brushing up on your vocabulary.
Many bugs and glitches.
Even at the start of the game, I noticed some bugs.
One of the bugs I noticed:
When you talk to the guy who asks you to take his son, his character sprite changes to an old woman. I've used RPG Maker before, and I can tell you were apparently too lazy to use the same character model, so you chose a random one.
Another bug:
A lot of the dialogue is too long, which will cause it to cut off. However, only on one dialogue box, you decided to use the enter key and prevent this, but not on any of the other dialogue boxes.
Sample maps.
I've used RPG Maker before, and right away at the beginning of the game, I could tell you were too lazy to create your own city, so you decided to use the preset maps. This is sort of similar to the "default RPG maker assets" thing I mentioned, but still.
You left the project file in the ZIP.
I know this probably won't matter if your game is open-source, but if it's meant to be closed-source, you're not really supposed to leave the game's project file in there.
Please remember that I am not pointing all this out to try to hurt you or be a downer, I am just stating the things I feel that decrease the quality of the game.
it looks like a city building game but there is no proof
Pictures please
First game
this is my first game, please give me feed back so i can improve the game