Comments (29)
Hey! After the you exit the Shelter and killed all the enimies outside what do you need to do?
hey! i dont know if you remember who i am but i would like to re-ask permision to do a youtube video on this game your know who i am when i would post it
hey man after the part where you split up with those two people who are3 your team and go up this long elavator after the jungle bit how do you do the puzzel in the like snowey base? it will help with the playthrough
me do playthrough :)
First Pixel Shooter: Episode 2
Sequel and expansion to F.P.S., First Pixel Shooter: Episode 2 unfolds the story and future of the races with a style vastly different from the original. Features include new weapons, prop interaction, level exploration and progression, single player companions with dynamic AI, planned online competitive play, and much more. In development on and off from March 2012 to December 2013, Episode 2 plans to innovate and surpass the original.
Coming holiday 2013!
HatCat Productions: http://hatcatproductions.webs.com/
Game Maker Server: http://gamemakerserver.com/en/home/
First Pixel Shooter:Episode 2 on GM Server: http://gamemakerserver.com/en/games/view/865/
First Pixel Shooter:Episode 2 on IndieDB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/first-pixel-shooter-episode-2
Tutorials: http://www.indiedb.com/games/first-pixel-shooter-episode-2/tutorials
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed