Comments (35)
This game was creepy af!! I loved the 80s and cold war vibes, as well as the pixelated graphics. There's more than one ending apparently and I can't wait to see what the other ones are. Watch my gameplay video if you wanna check it out! https://youtu.be/52F1LBSpgIM
​It's very Good Game! I Played Fun!
This was definitely one of the best horror games that I've played this year. First Winter was awesome in so many ways. The pixel art and 80's references were golden. I'm an absolute sucker for nostalgia and this had nostalgia written all over it. You're a master at creating an atmosphere. The ambiance was ridiculously horrifying and had the perfect mix of many different fears, one being claustophobia in many cases. I LOVE that you referenced Pacific, as it was my favorite game of yours and I remember saying "it's too short" at one point. I only got one of the endings, but the entire experience was so surreal that I'm definitely diving back into this on my own time. As my friend PhuCat said, this game is a perfect mix of all our favorite horror elements. Thanks so much for making it, and HUGE thanks for the early access code!
Bought this game from reading the reviews, and i've got to say, this game was exactly what i intended to pay for. Very good game, and it was definitely worth the few dollars. Really good game, keep up the great work!
A Soviet Submarine has been intercepted in the North Pacific, 140 nautical miles west of Los Angeles. It's unknown if the vessel is armed with Nuclear Weapons. The Soviet minister for foreign affairs insists that the Submarine is in international waters and therefore has no obligation to abandon it's routine training exercises.
Seemingly trapped in a nightmarish reality of ever changing worlds and environments it's up to you to figure out exactly what has happened on board the stricken submarine and to ultimately save the world from a nuclear catastrophe.
First Winter is a first person horror set in 1982 during the cold war with a highly distinctive retro style.
"That was fantastic!" - MrKravin
"One of the best indie horrors for me for 2018 so far!" - GG Gab
"Overall.. Decent" - John Wolfe
Key Features:
Incredibly unsettling tension from start to finish.
Multiple endings.
Nostalgic 80s sound track (Licensed for broadcast).
Professional voice actors.
Beautifully crafted levels.
Translated into German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Russian.
Game Information:
First Winter is a retro style horror game with interesting puzzles and an ever-present feeling of dread. Although your progress is saved frequently throughout the game it is intended that you complete First Winter in one sitting. It is also recommended that you use a pair of headphones rather than speakers.
In June 2017 Dan Sanderson published a micro horror game called Pacific which, to his surprise, was picked up and praised by popular horror YouTubers such as MrKravin, Markiplier, John Wolfe, GirlGamerGab and RaedwulfGamer. Enthused by over 1.5 Million views and featured in Waypoint Vice and IGN's 12 Awesome Games you might've missed, First Winter was born. First Winter is the full length remake version of Pacific.
Despite the option to 'disable flashing images' I can not guarantee that this will make it safe for persons with epilepsy.