Comments (23)
Neat little game :)
I see a lot of potential here, but overall I didn't enjoy it because of a handful of issues.
The "instructions" screen doesn't say on nearly long enough to read it all
The vertical movement doesn't feel right to me. I understand why you made it that way, but I would have preferred smooth movement rather than stepped movement.
A few times I "died" without understanding why
Why can't I move farther to the right of the screen than about 2/3 of the way?
Hey man !! I played it. Finally.
Its a well done game.
I was just confused about my shooting at those Purple guys and then , it says they are friends.
the moviment and the shoot are a little different that Im used to see.
And I liked those bubbles!! Did you used Particules for them ??
Hi, this is a pretty cool game, though I was confused at first as to who was my "friend" and who wasn't
If you have some time please check out my new game:
Nice game you need to work a little bit more on controlls pressing arrow once should be enough to move as far as i want if i dont want to move i dont press arrow (it looks like you had problem with to fast movement and fix it with on key release event instead of throttling movement with time delay)
Fish In The Sea
My first project since i got back to developing games! this game is about a submarine protecting a bigger submarine so the enemies wouldn't reach it and attack it. game is created by me from the beginning.
Overall took 21 days of development and 48 hours! Thank you for your great support!
Thank you all my dear friends who are playing this game. i made this game with full considerations and you may experience weird stuff with game play. but that's just okay because i re-edited the game play several times before the complete release. and that was because of the originality of the game. So there's a few tricks you must find out so you can keep on playing without losing!
You must not crash into or shoot down your allies! therefore you lose!
Don't let enemies get passed by you, because you will lose BIGSUB lives which starts with amount of 20, but if you get upgrades you can earn more so you can let a few go time to time.
Wall enemies must left without getting shot! they are just to bother you there so you won't lose anything.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence