
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I played this game the other day and actually shed tears. The symbolism and beauty of this masterpiece literally caused me to have a physical reaction. This game reminded me that there is a point to life, thank you.

I don't normally leave comments or reviews, but felt compelled to leave one for this game as no one has so far, to encourage people to give this game a try.


Best things about the game:

I really enjoyed the puzzles, and I thought the difficulty level was perfect. I love that the game didn't rely on cheap jump-scares and used atmosphere to drive you to finish.

I'm a huge fan of surreal horror especially, and I love how strange the scenery gets. It reminds me of yumenikki where you wander through the world, and stages will drastically change from one to the next.

The autosave feature when you find a hook was also really handy and very appreciated.

Things I was confused about or would like to see added:

I fell off a cliff numerous times in this. There was nothing I could do except quit the game and start over. I first fell off a cliff by walking all the way forward to the edge of the map in the first stage with the heads. I also fell off where the sand pillars (rocks?) were right before you enter the train, by walking back.

Sound - May want to add a disclaimer at the beginning to turn volume up or use headphones for best experience.

Plot - If you expect to find out why you are an armless meatball with no mouth, don't because you won't find out that information, or why you are collecting hooks. It would have been nice if just a tiny bit of backstory was given. If I hadn't seen the single image posted of the gameplay I would have had no idea that I was even supposed to be collecting the hooks.

Levels - I wasn't really sure what the levels were for or how they factored into the game. I noticed they were changing in the text file, but I wasn't able to figure out any kind of relationship with the hooks.

Hooks - I also did not really understand the text file titled "bait". The order that the hooks would change from 0 to 1 in the text file, did not match the order of the hooks when I was in the final white room which shows if you are missing hooks or not. I am not sure if this was supposed to match up or not but it seems intuitive to have the order be the same in the text file as the way they are displayed in the final room.


I've written an explanation of how to solve some of the main puzzles in the game in case anyone gets stuck.

  1. Solving the puzzle of the stone heads: Listen to the sounds each eye makes when you roll the eye. Only one image will make a higher pitched sound, the rest will make a lower pitch sound. Change each eye to make the higher pitched sound, and it will unlock the next section where the tower will rise behind the heads. Easiest if you turn up the volume or have headphones/earbuds.

  2. Solving the puzzle of the passcode: After finding the keypad, go back to the bridge and cross back to where you "came from". You will end up in a different room, and eventually you'll come to a hallway with two open doors. The first one will have microscopes, and if you think of every image in the microscope as a piece of a puzzle, it will spell the numbers "2" and "4". Go back to the hallway, and enter the second room, which is a labyrinth where eventually you will find a table with a note on it. The note will read "5" and "8". Then go all the way back to the key pad and enter "2458#" (the blank keypad corresponds to a telephone dialing system, so 2 will be the 1st row middle key, 4 will be 2nd row first key, 5 will be 2nd row second key, 8 will be 3rd row second key, and # is last row third key. In order to get out of the keypad view click the last row first key, where * would be)

Here are the locations of the hooks, and some pointers:

Periodically alt+tab and look at the text file in your game download folder that is titled "bait". It will show you how many hooks you still need. 1 = you found the hook for that stage. 0 = missing a hook.

  1. Behind the stone heads, to the right

  2. In the "safari zone" close to the sundial

  3. By the railroad tracks, underneath the stairs

  4. In the basement

  5. On the sand pillar to the right

  6. On the left side of the train, in one of the carriages

how can i beat the stone heads puzzle

I have no idea what you do, and i cant seem to pan around with the mouse control help :)

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Version: 0.1.0over 5 years ago


#horror #surreal #puzzle

Controls for keyboard: Arrows - Move, X - Action

Controls for gamepad: Left Stick - Move, X - Action

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