Comments (18)
If you have any questions, I am ready to listen to you ...
este juego es basura
The project of this game is frozen. When I start to work with this project ? I do not know yet. But if there is a desire , I 'll let you know about my development. And now I'm doing animation for cartoons .
ты же русский
All the people thought or wondered about the emergence of this secret is something written about him and kripipasty fan kripipasty, looking for the truth about his appearance and asked ourselves only a few questions: Where did he come in the world Mobiantsev? What is the reason of transformation (formation) to be in his words, "I am God"? Reasons for intervention be found here in this game. (Note: The game added a bit of the plot conceived with the true author)
"The main characters of the three famous and fictional characters come to help and keep the Master Emerald in a secret temple storage to protect against attacks Eggman or other dangerous opponents. Naturally will help councils Knuckles and Tails, but this time (in the future you will one with the Master Emerald). But not here, the thick and sweet in a secret database. The database can penetrate the most dangerous enemy (Sonic.EXE), who took from nowhere, and you can prevent the guard and can even kill him. The task the protagonist to survive five nights and did not die ... "
In this game, the future will be disclosed Sonic.exe stories and history of the chosen character ...
P.s. The game is in development .........
Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed