Comments (5)
Owner i just put ... cause i didn't think what kind of comment i should put. But The game is nice a little i saw ZombieWarsYT Playing it tho.
cool game!
Five Nightmares At Purples
Five Nightmares At Purples Glitchy Blood
Five Nightmares At Purples+minigames v.03
I edited some things so dont get suprised in the minigame you disable freddy by pressing Z and destroying him by pressing X.
Three Nightmares At Purples Final Update
Guys this is final update but dont worry its not the end. So because this is final update i put a extra meny and rare screens if you want to see the rare screen in the game play it over and over Again.
If you hear som loud noises that doesnt give sense thats some sound effects from the game its not a glitch or a fail everything is complete. Its only Three night just so i remind you. Five Nights At Freddys is made by scottcawthon this is just a fan made game. Oh yeah right in the beginning of the game when you take the springtrap mask on its with left click and take out the mask with double left click. BY:Jafar.
Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed