Comments (32)
make a THIRD ONE
i love when freddy said its freddy time and freddy all over the fnafb
However, I need it.
good game but backup bash is still as bad as in the original
Five Nights at F***boy's 2 - Bad Translator Edition
FNaFB 2 - Bad Translator Edition is a simple premise. I went through all of the first FNaFB game and translated all of Toy Freddy's, Bonnie's, Chica's and Foxy's lines through a few of the notoriously bad Google Tranlate's languages and then coverted them back into english, giving a bunch of really weird and bad "Engrish"
(Also I buffed the fuck out of backup bash and tophat toss and your characters all start out on level 20, so you can expierence the magic as fast as possible. Thank)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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