Comments (113)
you are like a parasite, posting this thing on good games, ripping off other peoples success, if you want attention, then make the game good! also the game is really bad and barely functional, I don't know Fusion very well myself, but I can tell you just want attention
1/5 stars
stop spamming in like other fan games
Looks pretty good looking
Ual 97 pesssoas jogaram - muito obrigado
Uool 97 people play - thanks
Thank you all who have played| Obrigado á todos que jogaram| Gracias a todos los que han jugado
Five Nights At Martin's v1.3
Tudo se passa em um restaurante qualquer porem muito conhecido. Essa "fama" do restaurante (Martin's dinner) é graças aos robôs animatronicos que cantam, dançam e falam! porem á algo obscuro com eles quando as portas estão trancadas....mas ainda á uma porta aberta que pode ser fechada
Isso é um fan game de Five Nights At Freddy's, todos os diretos reservados á Scott Cawthon
Everything happens in a restaurant put any well known. This "fame" restaurant (Martin's dinner) is thanks to the animatronic robots that sing, dance and talk! however you something obscure to them when the doors are locked .... but still you an open door that can be closed
This is a fan game of Five Nights At Freddy's all, direct reserved Scott will Cawthon
Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence