Comments (57)
Looks good
Does anybody struggle with night 4 and 6?, or is it just me?
I don't know why, but I felt sad when I saw this game after so many years

It's been 6 years
Five Nights At Steve's
Do you keep in a closed pizza Steve . Pizzerias network is closed and all the animatronics are sent to a central pizza . Survive 5 nights guarding animatronics , watching him, that they would not go... or kill you.
Вы охраняете закрывающуюся пиццерию Стива. Сеть пиццерий закрывается и всех аниматроников свозят в центральную пиццерию. Выживете 5 ночей, следя за тем, что бы аниматроники не ушли... или не убили вас.