Comments (7)
There is nothing going on?
not bad its nice
Drop the language.
This is just,crazy,only that
Five Nights at WTF IS THIS 6.7
You are the motherfu**ing dumb visiter of F*** bears
Fixed Animatronics not moving anymore
Fixed all those "game freezing" things
V6.7 (Worked 10 minutes)
Fixed Cameras being disabled forever, Removed "Thanks for playing the demo" barrier which prevented you from playing more nights than 2 (thanks to @TheBonnieGamer for reporting)
V6.6 (worked 10 minutes)
Fixed EXTREME lag some people (including me :( ) had, which now prevents unfixable bugs! YAY!
V6.5 (worked 6 minutes)
Fixed Time counter always being on night 1,bug fixes
FRONTPAGED!!! 12/11/14
German time: about 21
V6.4 (Worked 15 minutes)
Fixed Chica and Bonnie lights, started working on custom night
V6.0 (Worked 5 minutes)
V5.5 (Worked 1 hour)
Changed Chicas AI because she was way too hard
V5.0 (Worked 1 minute)
Added 5. Night
V4.0 (Worked 5 minutes) WOW, I'M FAST! xD
Added 4. Night
V3.2 (Worked 1/2 hour)
Added touchscreenmode but still working on it
V3.0 (Worked 1 hour)
Added Freddy AI, Freddy showing on cameras and Freddy sounds
V2.0 (Worked 2 hours)
Added FoxyAI,Added Foxy running,added Foxy death, added Foxy knock on door, added Night counter to replay 2nd night after death
V1.5 (Worked 1/2 hour)
Added navigating with mouse as requested by @17limo
V1.4 (Worked 1/2 hour)
Minor changes on Chica's and Bonnie's AI to prevent them from
teleporting to camera you have selected, also fixed Chica bugging around when in restrooms
V1.3 (Worked 1 hour)
Rewrote all of Bonnie's and Chica's AIs to fix them from suddenly stopping
V1.1 (Worked 2 hours)
Added copy right,added V1.1 in menu, added time,added winning, added death, removed weird bug i call "IT'S ME"
V1.0 (Worked 4 hours)
Added help, added AI hacking cameras, fixed a bug where chica and bonnie would only move if the camera isn't set on them even though camera is down,
V0.9 (Worked 14 hours)
Finished camera and added AI and stuff
V0.5 (Worked 9 hours)
Added basic engine of doors, lights and stuff, camera taking shape,
added menu and all that good stuff
V0.1 (Worked 3 hours)
Started production by gathering sounds and graphics.