Comments (7)
i like that you made a mangle game shes one of the animatronic that needs more love
This game BLEW my mind, it managed to keep me tense and on edge the whole night! The models look clean and polished, the jumpscares are great and the mechanics are innovative, along with the dark office. Funtime Foxy's appearence on the doorway genuinely spooked me
I usually have critics to make with Demos, but right now i don't have any haha
Except, maybe, the camera/tablet having a use other than checking the animatronics' positions since you basically can decide to not open it and it won't make a big change
Best fnaf parody that i ever played
hey @White_the_Fox69
FNAM/Five nights at Mangle's
This game tells about the fate of an company called "Mangle pizza world", and you have to find out what happened there, in the role of Alan's security guard (but this is can be not true). You have to survive five nights in the light of dim lamps, surrounded by bare wires, shabby walls and an unknown danger waiting for you at every step in the shadows. The whole game is in a style close to the 80s: retro-TVs, dim incandescent lamps, sepia.