Comments (18)
me pika las bolas coleccion
lmao i'm first
How do you unlock night 6 in FNAP 2?
Also, Pikachu stopped giving me problems.
One last thing, the phone call for night 4 is bug. If you collect the adress, the phone guy will still tell you you didn't collect it. However, if you search everything in the house, he acknowledges it.
Bug Report: When you die in a day in Five nights at Pikachu's 2, you'll be taken to the endless mode screen for Five nights at Pikachu's 1.
Also, sometimes in Five Nights at Pikachu's 2, Pikachu will just dissapear. Then sometimes, he'll somehow kill me even though I was watching the dining room. Another time he was in Cam 6 then all of the sudden he killed me.
Five Nights At Pikachu's Collection V.1.0.3 || FNAF Fangame Collection
Official Collection for the Five Nights At Pikachu's Series!
- Pika pikaaa! -

Five Nights At Pikachu's Collection is a Collection of every single game in the Five Nights At Pikachu's series into 1 only game!
Now you can play all the Five Nights At Pikachu's games into 1 game!
This series was created by _Xwory using characters from the Pokémon Saga and with a similar style to the Five Nights At Wario's series.
No, this is NOT a new game, it's a collection of games, and this doesn't add anything to the story, characters or related.

The following games from the Five Nights At Pikachu's series:
Five Nights At Pikachu's 1
Five Nights At Pikachu's 2: The Escape
Extra Content exclusive to this Collection.
This collection will be updated as soon as 1 or more of these games update!
Plus, everything will be in a brand new menu, where you can select the game you want to play!
This collection doesn't change anything from the original games!

@_Xwory - Creator, Coder and Graphic Designer of the Five Nights At Pikachu's series.
All the people that helped in the series!
All the people that supported the series!

#fnaf #fangame #survival #horror #pokemon #pikachu #fivenightsatpikachus
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence