Comments (4)
I dislike flappy bird. I included it in part 9 of my Gameboy jam compilation video series! http://youtu.be/XOpoR1vDonU
Wont start, as soon as I run engine, a blank window pops up shortly, closes, and creates a config json file
FlapBoy Linux v1.02 (Experimental)
A Flappy Bird clone made for the #gbjam3, the game is written in C++ using SFML. Supports multiple difficulty modes. Don't hit the pipes or leave the screen.
Admittedly something of an experiment in game architecture more than a serious attempt at a game. The game uses a hybrid MVC/Actor code architecture, which proves useful at keeping code clean, malleable and even testable. Using a simple game like Flappy Bird to experiment with this architecture provided useful, and I will definitely have to make a more serious game with this approach in the future.
Default controls:
W: Jump
Escape: Return To Menu
P: Toggle Debug View
In Start Menu:
W: Change Menu Option
D: Change Difficulty
Enter: Select Menu Option
Close the window or choose "Quit Game" from the menu to quit.