Comments (3)
I laughed so hard because I kept failing so badly! XD
Interesting, you should name in the credits the name of each piece of art.
Another great concept with simple but fascinating gameplay!
FLIPPIN' ART, a little quiz game inspired by a true story.
Le Bateau caused a minor stir when the Museum of Modern Art, New York, which housed it, accidentally hung the print upside-down for 47 days.
Would you be any better at hanging abstract art?
Left/Right to rotate the art. Press space or return to confirm your choice! There are a total of ten works of art to hang.
In order of appearance:
Le Bateau - Henri Matisse
Fugue in Two Colors - František Kupka
Improvisation 27 (Garden of Love II) - Wassily Kandinsky
On White II - Wassily Kandinsky
Composition No. 10 - Piet Mondrian
Still Life - Pablo Picasso
Wardrobe Malfunction - Seshadri Sreenivasan
title unknown - Miya Ando Stanoff
Change (Abstract Rainbow Dragon) - Michael Song
Rainbow Tornados - Kathern Welsh