WEEK Σ/Streamer build (Week Sigma)
LuckiiBean, Zavemann, Simply EJ, Begwhi, SaltySkkulls - Music
Zavemann, Simply EJ, FreshWoomy, HThagomizer, SaltySkkulls - Art/Anims
HThagomizer, BestrJestr - Coding
Boyfriend wakes up in a stranger's home, beeping and bopping as the back of his head throbs. As his vision clears, he sees a neverbeforeseenbutyou'veprobablyseenitbeforecauseabunchofpeoplemadeamodaboutherelohel face!
From background to foreground, from unused to used! Flip-Side brings back characters that were unused or in the background in Friday Night Funkin' and shines a new light onto them! And takes in characters from similar media for ones without, like Roy from Spooky Month for Skid and Pump.Â
With original art, music, and stories, you're sure to have one hell of a time!
Expect more to come from this mod, as we add more content to it over time. With 5 more weeks planned to release + several pieces of bonus content on the way.
And while you're at it, why not join the Community Discord Server? Where you can chat and hangout with not only fans, but the dev team as well. Plus get exclusive leaks/previews of upcoming content for the mod:
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