Comments (4)
really good i loved it i got second place
Addicting :). Really makes me wanna win, which i did a couple times.
maybe you could improve the control becuz it's really hard to move around.
Floaty Ball local multiplayer Alpha
This game is going into development for the next six months by goodManLads() We are adding power-ups, mind-blowing level designs and multiple game modes. Enjoy our alpha release!! plays best on controllers.****
Check out Floaty Balls latest news on Steam Greenlight.
Super cute physics platformer.
Dive-bomb your enemies. 1-4 players
Auto AI if no input detected.****
Xbox controller
A -> Jump/fly
B -> Dive
X -> Taunt
LS -> Move
Back -> Reset game
Keyboard controls:
Space -> Jump/fly
Left Alt -> Dive
Left Ctrl -> Taunt
Arrows ->Move
Esc -> Reset game
goodManLads is @Bluefood and @da_Moff developing Floaty Ball .
Follow us on twitter @floatyball