
Comments (4)

What do you think?

really good i loved it i got second place

Addicting :). Really makes me wanna win, which i did a couple times.

maybe you could improve the control becuz it's really hard to move around.


Floaty Ball local multiplayer Alpha

Version: 1.0.0-alphaabout 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

gloaty baws

This game is going into development for the next six months by goodManLads() We are adding power-ups, mind-blowing level designs and multiple game modes. Enjoy our alpha release!! plays best on controllers.****

Check out Floaty Balls latest news on Steam Greenlight.

Super cute physics platformer.
Dive-bomb your enemies. 1-4 players
Auto AI if no input detected.****

Xbox controller
A -> Jump/fly
B -> Dive
X -> Taunt
LS -> Move
Back -> Reset game

Keyboard controls:
Space -> Jump/fly
Left Alt -> Dive
Left Ctrl -> Taunt
Arrows ->Move
Esc -> Reset game

goodManLads is @Bluefood and @da_Moff developing Floaty Ball .

Follow us on twitter @floatyball


Large Update Coming Soon