Comments (22)
Nice graphics but boring game
At first it's fun and challenging as fire gets bigger but after some time it's practically the same IOW boring
I think there's no need to give ability to drop off fire extinguisher since hero practically uses it most of the time
If this game were to be updated (for non jam that is) I wish fire would flicker or blink when being put out with fire extinguisher. It's hard to tell which fire is going to be put out
Beautiful work, but a more diverse gameplay would be nice.
The graphics of the game hooked me in right away, and I like the concept. It's biggest flaw, however, is it's lack of challenge and variety.
The places the fire spawns aren't really well-telegraphed and they seem to have the tendency to spawn immediately in the same spot where they're extinguished. This creates a bit of a stalemate between me as a player and the game's main obstacle, and I wound up running back and forth in a repetitious process of refilling, extinguishing and eating occassionally, while not feeling like I was progressing in any way. The greatist obstacle this game provides as a result is merely your own patience, which isn't good.
I feel like adding a bit more diverse powerups (like a power boost to your extinguisher), or possibly some different variation of fire-based attacks would really help. As it stands, the game certainly has a great set-up to it, but the gameplay is just too repetitive to stand on its own.
Great graphics! Very interesting mechanics, very polished! Good job, keep it up!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Game looks great! Beautiful pixel art. Feel free to check out our game, Hoopity Stick
Submission for #indiesvsgamers game jam.
A,D,S,W or Arrows - walk around
K - Pick up/drop fire extinguisher, refill or eat.
L - Use fire extinguisher
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