
Comments (3)

What do you think?

sounds amazing

Interesting game, very nicely paced. I included it in my TAG Jam 20 compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

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Windows version for The Flying Turtle from Outer Space

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Flying Turtle from Outer Space

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

This is my shoot 'em up-like entry for #tagjam20.

Be the greatest flying turtle (from outer space) you can be, by fighting through 8 (!) waves of varying enemies.

Enjoy, and feedback or discussion is welcome!

Post mortum:

Technically, this is my first game i've written in C, with SDL for graphics, input and audio. It's a great library with a clear API, but in the short timespan available, it took some learning. The difficulty curve and such may not be optimal in this game, and it could use improvements, BUT... that doesn't mean that it is not a finished game, As is. I definitely enjoyed programming it. Would do again!



Dear Linux users...

The Windows distribution should be up and running. Linux distribution will be added tomorrow, as I currently need to get some sleep…