Comments (3)
the man itself played the game, congratulations!
Five Nights at Bubba's 1

The first part in the legendary duology, Five Nights at Bubba's was developed by me, SuperButters64, Deemo, NK Deemstar, Mr. Footjob, I go by many names. The game contains 6 nights of absolute terror and scaryness and jumpscares and terror and hyper real graphics. Custom night is included, as well as a difficulty selector so you can really make the experience your own.
The game is for geniuses only, so all 4 seasons of Rick and Morty are required material for comprehending this game. If you arent a 400000 IQ super rick than you'll have to read up on the included tips and tricks section on the main menu, unlocks when you get to the first night and updates with each night you reach.

With 8 minigames worth of lore, extras, a killer OST by famed musician Aleggs Fagenborg, and a heart wrenching plot, Five Nights at Bubba's is an experience you'll never want to miss out on. Don't play it at 3 am or Bubba WILL come to your house and he WILL put his hyperrealistic big gray meat stick up your t.h.i.c.c boot tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Five Nights at Bubba's 2 is a sequel to the widely acclaimed cult classic ET for Atari, as well as the spiritual successor to the 2/10 rated Five Nights at Bubba's, developed by genius developer Alex Falkenberg.
Step in the shoes of an 18 year old morally ambiguous, blank slate main character with no memorable traits and with dialogue that rivals the complexity of such classics as Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. With all new enemies and familiar faces trying to get their sweet fix of inmate ass. Delve into the exciting gameplay, including, (but not limited to) looking at a screen as a download bar goes up, looking around and waiting! Experience a whole new heart wrenching story and a whole TWO minigame maps that are reused over and over again, along with the thousands of DMCA violation cases and impending lawsuits!

Here are some staggering reviews from these happy customers:
10/10 "This game changed my life and made me into a better person" - Alex Falkenberg
1/10 "Please stop calling us, we don't want to speak to you anymore." - Their mom
9/10 "Saved my presidency" - Barack Obama
7.8/10 "Meh, not as good as the first one." - Me
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