
One night at Brandens
Survive the first night.

Two Nights at brandens
Survive two nights.

Three Nights At Brandens
Survive Three nights

Four Nights At Brandens
Survive four nights.

one second at brandens
Play endless mode for the first time

Endless Novice
Survive 1 minute in endless mode

Lauched the game
testing to see if api works

Endless Noob
get 5 minutes in endless mode (real time)

10 minutes
Survive 10 minutes in endless mode

Goldifsh gonea teat you ur a bithc why a,ga.hg;lg

15 minutes
survive 15 minutes in endless mode

Complete night 5. Rest in peace rob. Rest in Peace.

Save foxy plushh

Say yes to goldfishy

Officially A Cool Person
Type "I love Foxy Plushh and cheese" on the title screen while hovering your mouse over brandens head

20 minutes
survive 20 minutes in endless mode

Yo this is fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Complete the radio

25 minutes
survive 25 minutes in endless mode

A bit overkill?
Beat overkill mode.

With endless mode, comes endless responsibility
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Go Eat A Sandwhich
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

What a way to spend your money!

Don't You Have Anything Better To Do?
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Above Time
Be on endless for an entire hour