Five nights at finals a place for kids to see the freindly suits! they dance play around, plays with the suits some times! this is too happy to end.
Models Done: Doors, Office *kinda* Cameras Buttons
% Done: 12%
Models in working: Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy , Golden Freddy, $#(#($(, Shadow Whisper Freddy, Shadow Whisper Chica, Shadow Whisper Bonnie, Shadow Whisper Foxy and alot more.
credits: @realscawthon @swiss______
and @THEORIGINALMAT and @TheRealZBonnieXD
and last of all @TheFrebby for being my favorites! #fnaf
Models: By me.
Songs by: No One yet.
--Relase Date: Around April 15 --
Something you should know: @swiss______ a cool guy
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use