Comments (146)
Make Five Nights at Freddy's 1 Cheats Mod
Omg Thank you so much for making this mod because i meet Shadow Bonnie!! When i saw him i was like "What?! How lucky i can be! I meet Shadow Bonnie!" and after i finish the night i go and sit on the bed and i said "This game broke me"
thanks dude it helps and again thanks!
Are you ever planning to release a version for FNAF 1? I know you won't for 3 and 4, as those come with pre-made cheats in the Extras menu.
wow thanks it works and i found easter egg
Five Nights at Freddy's 2: Cheats Mod
Put this mod in the same folder as the original game. If you bought the game on Steam, the file directory is probably something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Five Nights at Freddy's 2". Also, if for some odd reason you've changed the file's name from its original, make sure to change it back. For reference, the original file name is "FiveNightsatFreddys2.exe"