Comments (67)
Don’t delete flappy bird you won’t be able to re-download it again
i love when freddy said its freddy time and freddy all over the fnafb
theres a bug if i download it there is no icon set
od149: "I can't take this anymore..." Hangs himself Logan Paul has joined the chat.
Hey you may read this or no i just want to ask well it could be a stupid question but how do make the characters have more then 9999 HP limit please help me
Thank you.
Bug Fix
This fixes a bug with one of the characters and an extra credit for someone.
NO, IMPOSSIBLE was a FNAFB game that the creator Mojopoop created on his own time. And guess what? He allowed me to make a second version of his (Somewhat) finished game.
Unless you don't know what this is; NO IMPOSSIBLE is a FNAFB game where you can beat the ever loving shit out of bosses. Unless you're expecting a story here, this game is not for you.
Also, when the game is released, don't tell me the game is hard. Unless there are some certain bosses (BESIDES THE FIRST 2 BOSSES) that seem unfair, i'll try my best to make the boss somewhat easier.
(Also, by the way, this was during the making of Purple Guy's Amazing Adventure of Dismantlement.)
Cartoon Violence
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Strong Language
Crass Humor