Comments (47)

I found this bug:
When someone came under your door and you close the door and then activate the light you can see through the door.
The same thing happen with Chica too.
For the rest i didn't see nothing of strage, apart this doors bug.
the giant microphone is back

FNAF: Alternate Time-Line | Release
You get a job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, as security guard...? It seems that something is going wrong... I... I feel this taste, taste - of souls and emptiness. I am assembled, assembled from their parts, but that is not enough. I REVENGE YOU!
This is where your adventures in a crazy world begin!
Here you will find: Cool graphics, storyline, improved gameplay and much more!
ATTENTION!! The game is not an official game, and the author does not issue this project as an author's, and it also cannot be a replacement for the original. Please, buy the original game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/319510/Five_Nights_at_Freddys/

2 CUSTOM NIGHTS! (2 袣袗小孝袨袦 袧袗袡孝袗)!
EXTRA-MENU! (协袣小孝袪袗-袦袝袧挟)!
PLOT! (小袙袨袡 小挟袞袝孝)!
ENNARD BATTLE! (袘袠孝袙袗 小 协袧袧袗袪袛袨袦)!
NEW GENERATION GRAPHICS! (袚袪袗肖袠袣袗 袧袨袙袨袚袨 袩袨袣袨袥袝袧袠携)!
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (袪校小小袣袠袡 携袟蝎袣)!
MINI-GAMES! (袦袠袧袠-袠袚袪蝎)!
MORE NEW CONTENT! (袠 袦袧袨袚袨 效袝袚袨 袝些衼)!
VOICE ACTORS|袗袣孝衼袪蝎 袨袟袙校效袣袠:
Phone Guy (Mike Hill) - Marco Poto
@europlayer367, Kirill Kozhuhov @GenosGames聽
Freddy Fazbear - Marco Poto@europlayer367, Denis Goronsky @DraynHedgehog_Official聽
Bonnie the Rockstar Bunny - Marco Poto @europlayer367, Denis Goronsky @DraynHedgehog_Official聽
Chica the Chicken - Denis Goronsky @DraynHedgehog_Official聽
Foxy the Bad Pirate - Denis Goronsky @DraynHedgehog_Official
Ennard - AI
Jarviai - AI
Golden Freddy - Marco Poto
@europlayer367, Kirill Kozhuhov @GenosGames聽
Models/袦芯写械谢懈: DraynHGames (Denis Goronsky), @realscawthon and Steel Wool
Source Code/袠褋褏芯写薪褘泄 袣芯写: DraynHGames (Denis Goronsky)
Sprites/小锌褉邪泄褌褘: DraynHGames (Denis Goronsky), AskyWalker and @GenosGames

#fnaf #horror #arcade #retro #fangame #pointnclick #survival