Comments (44)
my gameplay video :D https://youtu.be/wH9-D0xv1KU
Forgot to post my gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elr_9jKWJJA&t=33s
Mr. Stark I dont feel so good
its shit
I went in with rock bottom expectations, I came out pleasantly surprised.
In terms of criticism the overworlds aren't really interesting, there's no challenge and you can walk past most enemies, battles also feel unvaried due to just being bosses with no move/party/level changes. Still pretty solid though.
FNaF World: Civil War [Gunmetal Edition]
Full game.
This game is a remake of RushanPlays FNaF World: Civil War which is loosely based on the Captain America: Civil War movie by Marvel Studios. This is simply my take on it.
RELEASE DATE: June 12th, 2018
Together we stand.
Divided we fall.
Brothers in arms,
Now enemies.
In a war of consequence,
And misdirection.
The end, is uncertain.
Which side are you on?
Team FredBear
Team SpringBonnie?
Original Game: RushanPlays [@Rushanplays_Official ]
Fangame by RushanPlays
Program by Katherine_Ultimate (ShamirLuminous)
FNaF World by Scott Cawthon
Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans